
About us

Brief History

Kheang Huot operated in Cambodia for over 15 years. We specialize in distributing food and beverages products. Our star products are Carabao Energy Drink, Ichitan Green Tea and Siang Pure that are heavily supported by our fellow Cambodians.

Core Value:

  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Quality of Service


  • To ensure our customer is able to adapt to our platform with ease
  • Ensuring adequate amount of product variety to satisfy customer’s need


  • Our mission is to achieve a minimum of 10,000 active user on our ecommerce platform by 2022


  • Our vision is to provide a convenient experience for our customer through technology implementation


Email: help@kheanghout.com

Telephone: 023996285

Address: No 14, St 201, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey II, Khan Boueng Kok III, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
